Fps και Morrowind

15 Οκτ 2004 19:04 #2735 by Elessar
Fps και Morrowind was created by Elessar
Mortal σε εσένα απευθυνομαι μιας και απο οτι εχω δει ασχολείσαι με αυτό: Ξέρεις ποια εντολή πρεπει να δώσω στην κονσόλα για να μου εμφανίσει τα FPS;

Προβοκάτορας της αντβεντσουροαριστεράς

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15 Οκτ 2004 23:13 #2739 by Mortal
Replied by Mortal on topic Fps και Morrowind
Γειά στο παιδί! Προσωπικά δεν το είχα ενεργοποιήσει ποτέ μολονότι ότι η ευγενής τέχνη του cheating είχε πάει σύννεφο. Μήπως είναι το Togglestats? Κάτι λέει περί debugging info.

Για δες το αρχειάκι που είχα, ελπίζω να σε βοηθήσει. Ειδάλως να το ξαναψάξω μήπως βρώ τίποτα σε κανά forum.

Console Commands
1 December 2002

In game just press '~' (tilde) to bring up the console and type one of the cheats as described below. When you enter a valid cheat in the console, nothing should be returned. If you receive an error message, you did something wrong. An example cheat is:

player->AddItem "Gold_100" 12345which will add 12345 of gold to player or
ToggleCollision which turns the collison in the game on/off. Note that some commands required the player-> prefix, and some don't ( as noted in the below table).

Command Abr Player Description
AddItem "Gold_100" [Value] player-> Adds [Value] amount of gold to player
AddItem "ITEMNAME" [Number] player-> Adds [Number] amount of a specific item to the player's inventory. ITEMNAME is the item's ID which can be found in the editor.
AddSpell "SpellID" player-> Adds the given spell to the spells which currently affect the player.
CenterOnCell, [CellID] COC Places the PC in the named cell.
CenterOnExterior, [X], [Y] COE Places the PC in the exterior cell grid.
CreateMaps "Filename.esp" Creates map image file depending on the Create Maps Enable value in the Morrowind.INI file. If it is 1 (XBox), the file FILENAME.ESP.MAP is created in the DataFiles path with the map data (unknown format). If the value is 2 (Exterior Cell Maps) and you have created a directory Maps in the main Morrowind game directory, this command will create a 256x256 high color bitmap of each exterior cell in the game. This command takes a long while even on fast computers as each cell in the game is loaded.
FillJournal Add all entries to journal, takes a long time
FillMap Show all the towns on the full map
FixMe Jump 128 units away from where I am now.
GetFactionReaction [factionID] [factionID] The faction ids are not optional.
Help Shows shorthand for most commands
PlaceAtPC, [ObjectID], [Count], [Distance], [Direction] Places the given object into the world near the player. For example PlaceAtPC "sharn gra-muzgob",1,20,1 will place one NPC Sharn 20 units in front of the player. See the editor for more object IDs.
SetFatigue [Value] player-> Sets player maximal (and current) fatigue
SetFlying [1] player-> Sets the player's flying mode. To get this cheat to work, enter the console command and then cast a Levitate Spell. The effect should now last until you disable the flying with the console.
SetLevel [Value] player-> Sets player level. For this to work properly you'll have to either use the command, save the game and restart, or gain a level naturally after using it.
SetHealth [Value] player-> Sets player maximimum (and current) health, though you probably want to use SetCurrentHealth instead
SetMagicka [Value] player-> Sets player maximal (and current) magic
SetReputation # player-> Adjusts the players reputation to the given number.
SetSuperJump 1 player-> Allows super jump (0 - disables)
SetWaterBreathing [1] player-> Allow to breath under water (0 - disables)
SetWaterWalking [1] player-> Allows to walk on water (0 - disables)
Set_____ [Value] player-> Sets the skill ______ (such as SetBluntWeapon, etc...) or attribute (SetStrength, etc...)
ShowScenegraph SSG
ShowVars SV
StopCellTest SCT
TestCells TC
TestInteriorCells TIC
TestModels T3D
ToggleAI TA
ToggleBorders TB
ToggleCombatStats TCS
ToggleCollision TCL Turns clipping on and off for the player and all NPCs in range. This allows you to fly around through walls and objects. Use with care as often NPCs and creatures will become stuck when you use this command.
ToggleCollisionBoxes TCB
ToggleCollisionGrid TCG Displays the grid which controls how objects collide with things.
ToggleDebugText TDT Displays various debug texts on the screen, such as position.
ToggleDialogueStats TDS
ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns the fog of war in the automap display on and off. Useful for taking screenshots of complete maps with no 'black' areas in them.
ToggleFullHelp TFH Show you ownership and script of objects you look at.
ToggleGodMode TGM Makes the player invulnerable.
ToggleGrid TG
ToggleKillStats TKS
ToggleMagicStats TMS
ToggleMenus TM
ToggleScripts Turns all scripts on and off?
ToggleStats TST Toggles display of the various debug statistics.
ToggleSky TS Turns the sky on and off.
ToggleTextureString TTS Shows texture strings for targetted objects?
ToggleWorld TW
ToggleWireframe TWF Toggles the display of wireframe 3D objects.
Unlock Unlocks the currently selected lock (door or container). To select an object, open the console and click the object to select it (you'll see its name in the console title bar).
TPG Toggle path grid display. Displays the grid that helps define where NPCs can walk.
SG Show selected actor's group members
ST Show selected actor's target group members.

Original text written by chikaboom@home.com, Don, Walther, Jerry Moyer, Martin, and Gout

Μέσα από στράτα απόμονη και απόσκια
με αγγέλους του Άδη μόνο στοιχειωμένη
που κει θεά μ' όνομα νύχτα βασιλεύει
κάτω, στα μέρη αυτά έχω φτάσει, τώρα...

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15 Οκτ 2004 23:58 #2742 by Stknightmare
Replied by Stknightmare on topic Fps και Morrowind
File katebase to fraps.Bgazei to fps opou gousareis thn wra pou paizeis.

Yg:@Mortal tou grapses kwdikous nba grafei enan mhna. :D :D :D

"Don't be afraid of the dark,fear only what moves inside"

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16 Οκτ 2004 00:53 #2745 by Elessar
Replied by Elessar on topic Fps και Morrowind

Stknightmare wrote: File katebase to fraps.Bgazei to fps opou gousareis thn wra pou paizeis.

Yg:@Mortal tou grapses kwdikous nba grafei enan mhna. :D :D :D

Που το βρίσκω αυτό; Ακριβώς αυτό ήθελα πάντως!!

Προβοκάτορας της αντβεντσουροαριστεράς

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16 Οκτ 2004 00:56 #2746 by Stknightmare
Replied by Stknightmare on topic Fps και Morrowind
google.Download fraps.Grafei binteo kai trabaei photos.

"Don't be afraid of the dark,fear only what moves inside"

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16 Οκτ 2004 01:13 #2747 by Mortal
Replied by Mortal on topic Fps και Morrowind

Stknightmare wrote: File katebase to fraps.Bgazei to fps opou gousareis thn wra pou paizeis.

Yg:@Mortal tou grapses kwdikous nba grafei enan mhna. :D :D :D

Kalo to fraps alla me espase me ta 30 deyterolepta toy san trial, hthela na paiksw palia moy demo apo quake kai na kanw ena potpoyri sfagwn! :lol: Alla den moy kathotan!

Oso gia toys kwdikoys mhn moy peis oti den katebazeis panta lysh kai kwdikoys gia kathe paixnidi poy agorazeis? Estw kai apo koytamara na kollhsei kapoy o xarakthras soy ena noclip tha to xreiasteis! (Thn pathsa etsi me to Max Payne --mplokara se mia porta kai oyte mprosta oyte pisw den phgaina! Oneiro h katastash kai den eixa kai save, opote katopin katebazw to arxeiaki toy kai hmoyn pleon eleytheros anthrwpos! :wink: )

Μέσα από στράτα απόμονη και απόσκια
με αγγέλους του Άδη μόνο στοιχειωμένη
που κει θεά μ' όνομα νύχτα βασιλεύει
κάτω, στα μέρη αυτά έχω φτάσει, τώρα...

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16 Οκτ 2004 02:07 #2750 by Stknightmare
Replied by Stknightmare on topic Fps και Morrowind
Se parakalw na anakaleseis,akou kei agorazeis.Se kserw kai apo x8es?Ti brisia einai auth? :D :D :D

Yg:Eixa full version,den mou aresoun ta sharewear pote den xrhsimopoiw ena programma etsi giati den mporeis na katalabeis tis true ikanothtes tou. :D :D :D

Yg 2:To frap (full version) kanei ta panta.

Yg 3:Den katebazw kwdikes giati ama katebasw mpip mpip to game,einai san ta walkthroughs gia ta adventures.

Yg 4:Fantazomai na akouse kapoios moderator oti eipe max payne. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Don't be afraid of the dark,fear only what moves inside"

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16 Οκτ 2004 02:30 #2754 by Mortal
Replied by Mortal on topic Fps και Morrowind

Stknightmare wrote: Se parakalw na anakaleseis,akou kei agorazeis.Se kserw kai apo x8es?Ti brisia einai auth? :D :D :D

Yg:Eixa full version,den mou aresoun ta sharewear pote den xrhsimopoiw ena programma etsi giati den mporeis na katalabeis tis true ikanothtes tou. :D :D :D

Yg 2:To frap (full version) kanei ta panta.

Yg 3:Den katebazw kwdikes giati ama katebasw mpip mpip to game,einai san ta walkthroughs gia ta adventures.

Yg 4:Fantazomai na akouse kapoios moderator oti eipe max payne. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Άντε θα απαντήσω, κι ας θέλω να γράψω και νέο, και ας μιλάω εδώ και κάτι ώρες στο IRC, άμα πια με παιδέυετε γέρο άνθρωπο! :P

Δεν ανακαλώ θα γίνεις και εσύ κάποια μέρα καλός και τίμιος πολίτης! :wink: Θα μονομαχήσουμε για αυτο [σηκώνει σιδερένιο γάντι κάτι κιλών αλά Ρομπέν των Δασών ] ***** [Ήχος σιαγόνας που γκελάρει στο πάτωμα]....αποδέχεσαι την μονομαχία; :lol:

Άμα πια με pirates που έμπλεξα εδώ μέσα!!! Απο που το κατεβάζω επι τη ευκαιρία για να δω τις δυνατότητες σε πραγματικές συνθήκες; :wink:

MAX PAYNE, MAX PAYNE, DOOM DOOM II DOOM III QUAKE I QUAKE II QUAKE III, QUAKE IV UNREAL και πολλά άλλα! :twisted: Είναι μη Adventure Zone! Στην έφερα!΄ :P

Μέσα από στράτα απόμονη και απόσκια
με αγγέλους του Άδη μόνο στοιχειωμένη
που κει θεά μ' όνομα νύχτα βασιλεύει
κάτω, στα μέρη αυτά έχω φτάσει, τώρα...

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